Thursday, June 15, 2017

Dream Big

Dream BIG!

Marketers are really good at making computer science seem like a "boy thing". 

Name one movie/show that has a female computer genius... 
exactly, they are few and far between.

Because of this, many young women are unaware of the plethora [a lot, a lot] of jobs available to computer scientists. 

If you don't believe me, ask our awesome leaders to list a few jobs for you.

No matter what your dreams are, you can do it! Don't let anyone tell you that you can't!

1. Provide an overview of your project/artifact. (For example: I designed a video game using Scratch programming where the player, or snowman, has to catch 5 snowflakes and avoid the flying flames.)

2. What were the important learning targets of this project/artifact? (What were the requirements for the project?)

3. What were the computer science concepts used for this project/artifact? (Variables, loops, conditional statements, functions, lists/arrays, methods, etc.)       

4. What were the computational thinking principles used for this project/artifact? (Abstraction, algorithms, correctness, efficiency, iteration or loop statements, variables, etc.)

5. How does this project/artifact relate to the “real” world? What did you learn or use that will help you outside the classroom?

6. In this project/artifact, what did you particularly want others to notice?

7. What would you improve if you could do this over again?

8. Does this project/artifact reflect the effort you put into it? Why or why not?

If you have not yet shared your google drive folder portfolio, please share to

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