Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Let the Games Begin!

Happy Hunger Games!

We hope that everyone had an awesome day today and that you've been learning a lot. All of the instructors have been working super hard to make sure that your classes are informative AND fun :)

Students racing their Generator-Bots!

Also, we hope that you're all ready and excited for tonight's Second Annual Hunger Games! We've been running around all day to get everything set up and in place so that the games go off without a hitch. Make sure that you take a few minutes tonight to change into some good running shoes - You'll need them. As the Gamemakers, we have some special surprises in store. May the odds be ever in your favor :)

Computer Science Spotlight: 

Ada Lovelace "was an English mathematician and writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Her notes on the engine include what is recognised as the first algorithm intended to be carried out by a machine. Because of this, she is often described as the world's first computer programmer."

Hedy Lamarr was an "Austrian actress and inventor. Her most significant technological contribution was her co-invention of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping, which paved the way for today's wireless communications and which, upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government officials would not allow publication of its details." Technology created by Hedy Lamarr is still in use today by the U.S. Navy. 

Grace Hopper "was an American computer scientist and United States Navy rear admiral. A pioneer in the field, she was one of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer and developed the first compiler for a computer programming language. She popularized the idea of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the development of COBOL, one of the first modern programming languages. She is credited with popularizing the term "debugging" for fixing computer glitches (inspired by an actual moth removed from the computer) ... The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Hopper (DDG-70) is named for her, as was the Cray XE6 "Hopper" supercomputer at NERSC."

Sana Odeh, Professor of Computer Science at NYU Abu Dhabi, "takes a cross-disciplinary approach to Computer Science in her courses on game programming and web development. Her research focuses on information systems for the developing world and assessing the effectiveness of e-learning systems. A proponent of women in technology, Odeh advises Courant's Women in Computing and the Annual New York City Girls Computer Science and Engineering Colloquium."

Blog Prompt:

Please write 2 sentences each for what you did today in your Core class, Workshop I and Workshop II.

Make a list of 5 positive things about yourself! <3 Make sure they are positive about you personally, and not just things that describe you. 

Jen - 5 positive things about me are:
  • I am smart!
  • I am creative.
  • I like helping others :)
  • I am really good at remembering what I read and analyzing text.
  • I am really good at building structures in Minecraft. 

Noor - Five positive things about me are:
  • I'm very compassionate.
  • I'm loyal to my friends and family.
  • I'm creative in my way of thinking. A lot of people say I'm a pioneer.
  • I'm very good at making art (paining, henna, drawing, etc).
  • Science is my superpower!
At the end of each day of camp, we encourage our students to fill out a small survey so that we can better craft an amazing camp experience. The survey for today can be found here!


  1. Hey there ladies ;) You can check out my blog here if you want! http://meplusfree.blogspot.com/ I answer the prompts and stuff too!

  2. my core class was really fun. I learned a lot and had a great time
    workshop#1 was fun the teacher was really funny and cool
    workshop#2 was fun I made a robot out of legos
    5 positive things about me
    1*I am a hard worker
    2* I make the best out of nothing
    3*I never give up
    4* I will always be there when you need me
    5* I am a fun silly person hope you feel the same way!!!!

    - Ariana Aguilar

  3. In my Core class today we learned equations and markup rate. We got to have trail mix as a tasty treat!
    In my Workshop I we made slime and built bridges. It was really fun because we had all sorts of competition!
    In my Workshop II we learned about soil, (not dirt). We did a lot of experiments and it was really fun!

    Vanessa - 5 positive things about me are:
    I am very bright and smart.
    I love to take care of my family.
    I can retain information very well especially though visualizing it!
    I am very loyal and a great friend.
    I am really good in science and I love to test experiments!

  4. Hey! It's Alana. <3
    5 positive tings about me are.....hmmm!
    1.) I am respectful to all people's belongings and emotions.
    2.) I act beyond my years and am very mature.
    3.) I put forth my best effort in everything I do.
    4.) I am encouraging.
    5.) Last, but not least, I speak in kindness to everyone and try to be as courteous as possible!

  5. I can't wait till the Hunger Games begin! Let the Games begin:)

  6. In engineering we launched alka selser rockets. We also made tops.
    In html we learned how to start a website. We also learned how to do diffrent things to the font.
    In soil science vve put chemical in the soil and obeserved the reaction. We also played with mud.

    I am good at triathlons

  7. In my Life Science core class, we learned how to extract DNA from a strawberry. We also learned about, solved "crimes" with, and made our own thumbprints and lip prints.

    In my Architecture workshop, we learned about architecture with a power point our teacher had made. We also made a model building with foam core, using an Exacto knife to make slots in order to connect them.

    In my Slime and Penny Bridges workshop, we started off by learning about a chemical reaction that occurs when you mix glue, borax, and water. It turned the runny glue into a rubbery, stringy material. After that we were challenged to create strong and sturdy bridges out of pennies.

    My List:

    - I like to help others.
    - I'm compassionate and can usually understand and interpret what others are feeling.
    - I'm not afraid to look at myself and my behavior and make the changes that need to be made, in other words self-reflection.

    TO BE CONTINUED (dinner time!!!!!!!)
