Tuesday, July 16, 2019

It’s time to put on your dresses and dress shoes.
It’s Dapper Day Tuesday!


Did you know? There is an entire website devoted to the lifestyle of being dapper.
 It contains tips and tricks for being dapper, online catalogs for different kinds of dapper
 clothing – from modern prep to formal dresswear – and much more. Everything about
 this little website is dapper, even the design and logo of the website itself! And it takes a
 lot of work to be so dapper – this website uses about fourteen different widgets and
 libraries of code.
Check it out! -> https://beingdapper.com/

Did you know? There was a man named Abdulahi Olatoyan who worked as a windshield
 wiper in southwest Nigeria – and he always wore a dapper suit and tie while he worked.
 Abdulahi was a university dropout who was looking to work his way back to college and
 finish his education, even working his way up there using a squeegee wiper. The head 
of a huge Nigerian fashion company saw pictures of him online and made an Instagram 
post asking any of his 18,000 followers to track Abdulahi down so he could offer him a
 job as a model. The CEO felt that Abdulahi was the sort of man who could inspire fashion
 in others, no matter what situation he was in. And he was right! Abdulahi is a very 
successful model and fashion icon within the company now.

******END OF THE DAY******

/* CLICK HERE for the survey*/

/* CLICK HERE for the fun blog prompt */

Day 1:
Why you came to this camp?
  What you want to get out of it?
 What have you already accomplished in computing and technology? 
 What might you do with computing and technology in the future?

Day 2:
Describe ANY leadership positions you have had in school and/or community. 
 Describe your Interest in Computing and Technology. 
  Describe your Career goals in detail. 
What do you want to accomplish? 
Why is your career goal important to you?

Day 3:
Please describe what sparked your interest in computing and 
technology AND HOW that interest has furthered your experience
 in computing and technology? This is your time to shine - tell us what you
 have been doing and why?
Please describe a problem that you would like TO SOLVE using technology
 and explain HOW you would solve it (this could be a social problem, a
 technical problem, a local problem, a world problem, etc.).

Day 4 
What is your involvement in Curricular, Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities?
 (The list includes items such as computing/technology classes, clubs, 
or other extra-curricular programs or activities such as Girl Scouts, 4H, 
Big Brothers Big Sisters, etc...)
Rate your level of experience with programming platforms such as robotics, 
coding, graphics, database design, etc. (no experience, some experience,
or a lot of experience) If so, give examples. If not, why? 
Rate your level of experience with hardware/networking/system operations 
activities such as computer maintenance, software installation, server support,
 network support, cyber security, etc.  (no experience, some experience, or a lot 
of experience) If so, give examples. If not, why?

Day 5/6
Provide an overview of your project/artifact.
 (For example, I designed a video game using Scratch 
programming where the player, or shark, has to catch fish. Or... 
I am designing a Lilypad project that will...)
What did you plan to learn from your project? Did you meet this target?
What computer science concepts did you use in your project?
 (Variables, loops, conditional statements, functions, lists/arrays, methods, etc.)       
What computational thinking principles did you use in your project?
 (Abstraction, algorithms, correctness, efficiency, iteration
 or loop statements, variables, etc.)
How does your project relate to the “real” world? 
What did you learn or use that will help you outside the classroom?
In your project, what did you particularly want others to notice?
What would you improve if you could do this over again?
Does this project reflect the effort you put into it? Why or why not?

Day 7
As far as your plans after high school:
Please describe HOW you would like computing and technology 
TO BE A PART OF your career goals.
Please describe another problem that you would like TO SOLVE using 
technology and explain HOW you would solve it
 (this could be a social problem, a technical problem, 
a local problem, a world problem, etc.).

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