Today is National Vanilla Milkshake Day!
This morning we started off with an inspirational video for the girls. It was really funny and great! Then we took the girls outside to play a game of Never Have I Ever. It was interesting to see all of the different things that they had and had not done.
Next we went back inside and continued to work with Arduino. Elena walked the girls through programming their four buttons so that each of the buttons played a different note. Then Elena played a song by pressing buttons on the Uno board and the girls had to guess which song it was. The girls got to play those songs on their own boards with the four notes they had. Then we gave the girls time to create their own songs.
After working with Arduino, we had a Q and A session with the instructors. They answered questions that the girls put on the end of day survey.
Next was Scratch with Angela! The girls finished making the game that Angela taught them yesterday so today we began with review so that the girls can elaborate on their own games in Scratch.
Tomorrow is Fictional Character Day!! Dress up!!
Blog Prompt: What is your favorite milkshake flavor/dessert??
Good Afternoon, Lovely Ladies!
Today is National Moon Day!
After our lunch, we jumped right into blender. The girls worked really hard at staying caught up with Marissa. The projects they created look awesome, we are so proud of you all!
After Blender the girls went into the Atrium to do an activity called Never Have I Ever. It was a fun game and we got to know a little more about each other. We came in after the activity and each girl started working on their open build projects. The projects are really coming along, you girls are so creative!
We spent the remainder of the day working on main projects and some of the other side projects. Everything is looking so great, keep it going ladies!
Tomorrow is Fictional Character Day!! Dress up!!
AND Friday is Be Future You Day! So dress up as an astronaut or a scientist, do you!
Blog Prompt: If you were able to spend the day on the moon, who would you take with you and what would you do?
Day 8 Alumni Survey
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