After the morning activity we went back indoors and the girls created their blogs. We then had a presentation for the girls on Camp Etiquette to give the girls some guidelines.
Next we jumped right into the curriculum and started with EV3 Robotics. Marissa talked to the girls about software and hardware. The girls are going to begin building with Legos and also learn how to program with Lego Mindstorms tomorrow. We can't wait to see the designs and programs the girls create!! We are looking forward to tomorrow!
Blog Prompt: If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go and why??
Good Afternoon, Lovely Ladies!

After the activity we came in to have some food from Cha-Chi's, YUM! After lunch we came back in to start our blogs and talk about how the summer has been for everybody. The girls created their name tags and got to know the girls a little better.

Sasha and Belle went over some Camp Etiquette with the Do's and Don'ts of the camp. The girls are such awesome listeners, it's going to be an exciting week! After our camp etiquette, the instructors went over some of the basic computer science core concepts.
Shortly after, the girls all completed a computer science crossword. The top three finishers got some cool prize swag. And everyone else who finished got candy ^.^.
Blog Prompt: If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go and why??
Day 1 Survey
I would go to France because it is a romantic city that has a lot of tourisim, and it is an amazing place to go and sip some green tea at the Eiffel Tower.
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ReplyDeleteIf I could to any place in the world I would go to Hawaii, because its so pretty there and there sunsets are so beautiful, you can swimm with dolphins and stingrays and you can play soccer or volleyball on the beach. You can also stay on the beach and wake up every day to a beautiful place.
ReplyDeletei really like the pictuer of bugs bunny
ReplyDeletei would travel to every amusement park in the world had have a BLAST