Happy Dapper Day!
Good Morning, girls!
Today is also National Sour Candy Day!
Pucker up!
This morning started off with amazing outfits and awesome questions. The girls came dressed to the nines and looked so professional. For the first part of camp, the YWiC instructors answered some of the questions the girls had on Friday.
After that, the girls started learning about Arduino Uno. Elena gave a wonderful presentation before walking through connecting all the wires from the breadboard to the Uno board. To make sure the girls didn't misunderstand her, Elena had Notepad open so she could write the connections large enough for all the girls to see. The girls went step-by-step to connect all the wires. All in all, the girls connected four buttons and a buzzer that acts like a speaker.

Once they finished all their wiring, we had the girls put away their Arduino Uno boards in the back so that we could have a video call with SP (Esperanza). SP is former YWiC staff and is currently working at GoDaddy in Phoenix. She explained to the girls how YWiC has helped her and how she got her job. She even gave the girls a tour of her office. The girls had many great questions for SP, and she answered all of them thoroughly.
When the video call ended, the girls moved on to Scratch. Angela asked the girls who has used Scratch before. Most of them have, which was great. She went over what Scratch is and how to use it. For some of the girls, it was a review. After that, Angela had the girls log on to the website and start new accounts. Angela then walked them through the process of creating an underwater game.
Blog Prompt: If you could live in any time period, when would you live? Where would you like to live?
End of Day Survey
Good afternoon, Alumni Ladies! We started out with plenty of awesome Mexican food. Then we did a video chat with SP, a former YWiC instructer that now works at GO Daddy. She was really informative! Then the girls worked on Blender, and they are almost done with thier snake games! So close!! After that, they started on thier independent projects of Arduino, Snap, and EV3. They are coming along very nicely.
Tomorrow is Alice in Wonderland Day! Dress up; we will! And don't forget the Evening Activity from 6 to 8!!
Wednesday is School Spirit.
THursday dress up as your favorite book character!
Friday is dress up as your future you!
Alumni survey
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