Thursday, June 23, 2016

Movie Thursday

Happy Hydration Day!!

Good morning, girls! Today is National Hydration Day, so make sure to drink lots of water!

We started the day with a group activity in the Atrium. Belle numbered off the girls into two groups. Each girl had to go around and say something they liked. If anyone else in the group liked the same thing, they would step into the circle. My (Analyssa's) group was small, so we went around three times before we had to go back into the room. 

Once the campers were back in the room, they were shown an "Always # LikeAGirl" video. We wanted to inspire and encourage the girls to be who they are and do great things. We want them to know that we're proud of them and their accomplishments.

After the video, Elena went over different parts of App Inventor and reviewed with the girls. If the girls answered the question correctly, they got a prize. The girls had multiple ways of solving problems and explaining code, which was amazing!!

Next was their open build. These girls have some awesome apps! They're so creative and super intricate. I am very impressed. I can't wait to see their final products!

Around 11, Elisa came in to teach the girls more about Java. Today's lesson was mainly about math functions, showing the girls how to compute problems using Java and print them to the screen. They also incorporated the scanner and used Java to take user input and do something with it. She also challenged the girls to create awesome programs using what they learned. 

New Survey

Good afternoon, High School Alum!!

Today's lunch was amazing pasta from Pastaggio's.The bread was amazing and the food tasted sooooo good! We had hardly any leftovers!

Right after lunch, the girls launched into Java. Elisa reviewed with the girls for a bit before teaching them math functions. The girls learned how to compute the average, how to use modular functions, if/else statements, and concatenation. Throughout her lesson, she gave the girls challenges and used starbursts as prizes.

After her lesson, the girls started on their open build. They're making so much progress on their awesome projects!

Blog Prompt: If you could go anywhere in time, where would you go? Why? Who would you want to meet?

End of Day Survey

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