Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ilatian Food Coma


Today's lunch was delicious Italian food from Pastaggio's. As always, the bread was amazing.

After lunch the girls went into the lab to work on their projects. It was so exciting, seeing the girls so focused on what they were working on! The lab kind of exploded in craft supplies, but it wasn't messy so it was fine. Us camp instructors and helpers kinda felt unneeded, but it was great knowing how self sufficient they all are.

Around 2, we had a video call with Nicole, a member of YWiC who is currently working in Connecticut for an internship. She's working on some Python scripting, and we are very excited for her. Some of the girls had some very good questions for her, and she was glad to answer them all. We miss Nicole, and she misses her green chile.

After her call, the girls got back to working on their projects. They look so amazing already. We can't wait for all the coding to happen!

Around 3, we took the girls outside to do the notorious Blanket Challenge. Since most, if not all, of the girls have done this particular activity before, we had to make it more challenging. So, the blanket had to stay in the same place, and the only body part that could touch the ground was their butt.

When the girls came back inside, they got snacks and water and continued working on their mazes in Blender.

Blog Prompt: If you could have any superpower, what would it be? What would be your super hero name, and costume?

End of Day Survey 

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