Thursday, June 18, 2015

Java of Both Kinds

Good Morning, Girls! We started off the day with the Human Knot. The girls were split into two groups. Once they were separated, we had them stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a circle and then put their hands into the circle. Sadly, we weren't able to ask them to shake it all about. Once all hands were locked with someone not next to them, we told the girls to untangle themselves. One group finished before the other and then went to help out the other group. Yay for teamwork! :)

Once both teams were successfully untangled, we went inside for some Java. I'm sure some of the girls were disappointed the Java was not the liquid kind. (But don't worry, we have a field trip to the Barnes and Noble with a Starbucks later so the girls can get their coffee fix!) They girls continued to prove that they're fast learners as they quickly caught onto Java and created their own number guessing game. They did wonderful!

Then they got to have some free-build time before lunch. It's so cool to see all their projects come together. We can't wait to see their final products! :) They've been working so hard this week.

For lunch we had super yummy BBQ- yum! :) Right after lunch we went on fun little field trip to Barnes and Noble. All of the girls enjoyed browsing books, sipping Starbucks, and chatting the afternoon away. :) When we got back the girls had some more free build time. Overall, it was just another amazing day at YWiC! :D

End of Day Survey

Blog Prompt: 
What is a place you would like to go at least once in your life? Describe it and tell us why you want to go there.

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