Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lights and Apps!

After an exciting first day, we now continue our journey into the week with lots of energy.

Today is International Panic Day! - A day for everyone to be worried and concerned. We're not sure why it was widespread enough to create an international "holiday" on this matter, but here it is on the calendar ...... an international day of panic.

On this day, however, we asked our students NOT to panic about designing and beginning to implement their upcoming projects :)

Today the girls began the day with a challenging human knot to decipher. It was a jumble of hands and arms, but nevertheless they were able to unwind themselves after trying many different things. The new quote for this activity might be, "Whoever's hand that is under the hand with the blue nails... oh wait that's mine!". Good times...

In the morning, the girls learned how to modify the "Button" program to turn on the LED, finding that code that looks complicated can actually be quite simple. The girls also got to practice sewing, a much needed skill in the art of LilyPad. But no matter how important sewing might be, the bag will not work without programming! Hooray for programming! They also brainstormed on their projects, because a good plan is better than any hasty attack. With some great design plans, the girls are ready to make amazing projects in the days to come.

If you ever have a hard time getting your program to work, these are some key parts to double check:


-Serial Port
-LilyPad switched to off
-Are your pins connected to the right petals?
-Are your alligator clips on securely?
-Is the metal part of your alligator clip touching the metal part of your alligator clip with an opposite charge (Red is positive, black is negative)?

The girls were also introduced to App Inventor. It is a platform originally provided by Google and maintained by MIT. It allows anyone familiar with computer programming to create software applications for the Android operating system (OS). It uses a graphical interface, very similar to Scratch and the StarLogo TNG interface, that allows users to drag and drop blocks to create an application that can be tested and used on any android phone. It is a great teaching tool for programming since it engages the girls to create something unique and useful. Today we made the Magic 8 Ball app and had everyone choose their own tutorial. 

Blog Prompt of the Day:          

Write a run-on sentence by listing everything you need to get done this week. 
For example, “I have to wash the dishes and clean my room and take my French test and visit my grandma and finish my history project and…” See how long you can make it!!

Susi: I have to wash my clothes and plan Alice and clean my room and go to swim class and get my new bathing suit and buy the tickets for my trip and brainstorm ideas for cool projects at camp and try to workout and see cool places to go to in Denver and go to the movie night tonight to watch Wrecked Ralph and pick up Sofi and hangout with Jen and Noor and Linday and eat popcorn and go to sleep and shower and write a really long sentence.

Jen: This week I need to go to the movie night and finish planning forensics lessons and plan the Potterluck and plan the Hunger Games Feast and work with the camp assistants to plan Minute to Win In and plan camp presentations for HS Camp week 1 and week 2 and make the HS camp video and wash clothes and start packing to move to Santa Fe and apply for a CRS number so I can get paid for my internship and go longboarding and write letters to Tasha, Sam, Janie, and Nicole and vacuum my house and sweep and mop the kitchen and program the LilyPad project that camp instructors are making and FINALLY - do something nice for myself :)

Noor: I have to pick up the pizza and watch Wreck it Ralph and eat popcorn and hangout with my co-workers and do laundry and clean my room and prepare for tomorrow's lesson and check the final designs for the students and send letters to my friends and plan for the hunger game party and watch some Merlin and call my mom who's out of town and finish the camp instructor lilypad project and paint my nails and pray and figure out what to wear tomorrow and sleep.

Click here to take today's End-of-Day Survey!

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