Wednesday, July 19, 2017

What's Up Wednesday

Did you know that YWiC is NOT just a summer camp? 

1. YWiC After-School Program 

YWiC hosts an after-school program during the fall and spring semesters. We will be completing projects that dive deeper into the subjects you learned this summer. Be on the look out for more information about meeting times and dates on our website 

2. Supercomputing Challenge 

YWiC is happy to host a team if your school does not have a team with a sponsoring teacher, if you want a team made up of participants at several schools, or a team made up of participants in different grade levels (high school, middle school). If you are interested please contact Clara:

3. Robotics 

YWiC is planning to sponsor an all girls robotics team this coming school year. If you loved Boebots or EV3, we would love to see you continue your learning by joining a team. Talk to Abbi, and be on the look out for more information at our website

At the end of camp each day, you will guess what fact goes with which staff member. 
*Hint: These are from 3 different staff members.
Winner gets a prize!

1. This staff member is an extremely picky eater. 
2. This staff member played tennis for 16 years and even played in a national tournament. 
3. This staff member has over 2,000 books in their house. 

By the end of the two weeks you will need to be able to answer the following questions about one or all of your projects. Today, answer these questions for one of your builds that you completed this week. 

1. Describe one of your projects.  

2. What were you required to learn to complete it?

3. Did you use variables, loops, conditional statements, functions, list/arrays, methods or any other computer science concept?

4. Did you use abstraction, algorithms, correctness, efficiency, iteration or loop statements, variables or any other computational thinking principle?

5. How could your project relate to the "real world"? What did you learn or use that will help you outside of camp?

6. What about your project do you want people to notice most?

7. What would you do differently if you could do your project over again?

8. Does your project show how much effort you put into it? Why or why not?

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